Saturday, August 27, 2016

Point Pinos Lighthouse

The Point Pinos Lighthouse is in our town of Pacific Grove, CA. While we were there visiting, we heard a lot of people saying that they had living or been coming to PG for years and had never stopped in to visit. Don't be that person. 

The lighthouse is set up much like it would have been before it was automated, and has some nice historical artifacts and explanations of how the lighthouse works. It also discusses what it was like to live and work in the light house. You can climb the stairs to the top and get a look at the lens from inside. There is a small room at the top of the stairs with the most amazing ocean view, but I for some reason, did not get a picture! The area around the lighthouse is mostly golf courses, so it feels very remote. It is the longest continuously operating lighthouse on the west coast, and worth a quick visit!


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